Jun 9, 2015 | Dental History, Dental Implant, Tooth Decay (Cavities)
A Worm, A Queen and A Barber Pole: Dentistry Throughout the Ages Much of the history of dentistry is pretty intriguing. From the first recorded ‘doctor of the tooth’, Hesy-Re, an Egyptian who lived around 2600 BC; to Aristotle, the famous philosopher, who wrote of an...
Mar 31, 2011 | Dental Implant
This is an important question and the current wisdom is not to have implants placed until jaw and facial growth are complete. Although it varies from person to person, growth of the jaws in most cases is not complete until late teens. Of course, we are faced with the...
Feb 27, 2011 | Dental Implant, Periodontal (Gum) Disease, Periodontal Risk Factors, Tooth Decay (Cavities), Tooth Extraction
This is from our friends Steven Kendrick, DDS; and David Wong, DDS Inside Dentistry Abstract The process for deciding when to restore or extract a tooth is often a “gray area” based mostly on clinical experience and rough predications on the long-term prognosis...
Jan 23, 2011 | Dental Implant, Periodontal Risk Factors
Dental implants traditionally have a very high success rate. The majority of studies indicate long-term success rates well over 95%. However, there are many factors that can compromise the success rates of dental implants. These can be divided into three categories:...
Jan 21, 2011 | Dental Crown, Dental Implant, Sedation Denstistry, Tooth Extraction
An immediate dental implant requires planning and skill, in fact it requires team work between the patient – restorative dentist, implant surgeon and laboratory technician. There is no question that given the current state of the art in dentistry, that dental implants...