The sweet tastes in e-cigarettes can spell the same kind of trouble for teeth that candy does.

E-cigarettes may cause cavitiesHow can smoking cigarettes e-cigarettes cause tooth cavities? You don’t eat them; you smoke them. While it’s true that you don’t eat e-cigarettes, you still do ingest them to some degree. A study just recently reported by the ADA Foundation Volpe Research Center discovered that sweet e-cigarettes increase the threat of tooth decay because of their ingredients.

The study found that due to the components found in e-cigarettes along with the viscosity of the liquids they contain, using sweet-flavored e-cigarettes led to an increased chance of cavities. The researchers discovered that these e-cigarettes had many of the same qualities of sugary candies and acidic drinks when it comes to the potential for tooth decay.

Thomas Hart, DDS, PhD, and senior director of the ADA Foundation Volpe Research Center stated this on the study: “This study will give dentists further information to help educate patients that using e-cigarettes can have detrimental effects on their mouths.”

Click here to review the research “Cariogenic Prospective of Sweet Flavors in Electronic-Cigarette Liquids,” released by PloS One.

E-cigarettes don’t simply posture a danger to your lungs as formerly believed. This study reveals info on the concept that e-cigarettes can be equally as damaging to your mouth and also aren’t as great of a replacement to typical cigarettes as some would suggest.

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