Many patients have had difficulty affording dental treatment. Dental insurance has not increased the maximum benefit since the 1970’s. The maximum in the 1970’s was $1000 to $2000. Obviously this allowed much dental care in the 1970’s. Today this does not pay for much more than preventive care and maybe a crown a year. Using flexible spending accounts helps patients pay for dental care without paying tax on the money. This can be a significant savings. See below for the info on legislation that should make this easier.

Paulsen Bill Picking Up Steam

Rep. Erik Paulsen’s (R-Minn.) Patients’ Freedom to Choose Act (H.R. 605), a bill to repeal the Affordable Care Act’s $2,500 limit on flexible spending accounts, is picking up momentum in the House, with 101 cosponsors.

Earlier this month, ADA president Dr. Raymond Gist wrote to Rep. Paulsen to express the association’s support:

“Too many Americans families have either inadequate dental coverage or no coverage at all. Flexible spending accounts can help them get the dental care that will make the difference between constantly fighting oral disease and obtaining good oral health. We applaud the sponsors of H.R. 605, who are working to fully restore this critical resource for our citizens, who realize and will fully utilize its value, to keep their families healthy.”

Some observers believe the bill will pass the full House by the August recess.

Sen. Orrin Hatch, ranking member of the Senate Finance Committee, introduced a companion bill (S. 312).


Another option which helps patients afford dental care is CareCredit.