How Is Gum Disease Connected to Heart Disease and Stroke?

How Is Gum Disease Connected to Heart Disease and Stroke?

As we pointed out in a previous article, there are many health conditions that are tied to the state of your mouth. In this article, we’ll be looking a little closer at the links between periodontal disease and conditions like heart disease and stroke. Very...
What Is the Oral-Systemic Link?

What Is the Oral-Systemic Link?

You may have heard people referring to the mouth as the gateway to the rest of the body. Medical professionals have been finding increasing evidence demonstrating just how much the health of our mouths impacts the health of the rest of our bodies. This is what we call...

Middle Age Tooth Loss Tied to Cardiovascular Disease

The research world has been more of a gift to humankind through its revelations as the years go by, as it gives information on crucial matters that have been a burden to many for a long time. During the American Heart Association’s (AHA) 2018 scientific sessions on...