Our past blog explored the two kinds of oral cancer screening options, OralCDx and Vizilite Plus. We want to switch gears and discuss some of the symptoms and signs that tend to be associated with oral cancer.

It’s important to know that oral cancer is fairly common in the US. In 2017, it was estimated that over 42,000 individuals will be diagnosed, according to the Oral Cancer Foundation. The best thing you can do to detect oral cancer is to have a screening completed, but you should still be aware of the signs that are linked to oral cancer.

Signs of oral cancer include:

Patches of red or white in your mouth
Unexpected shifts of your teeth
Throat or mouth irritation that does not go away
Pain in your mouth, lips or tongue
Difficulty talking, eating or chewing

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The ADA states that if symptoms do not disappear within 2 weeks, make sure to schedule an appointment as soon as possible.

Concerned about the health of your gums?

Healthy gums are important to the health of your mouth and your general health. If you would like to keep your gums in good shape, be sure to schedule an appointment today.