Just about everyone would say that they desire an attractive and healthy smile. Unfortunately, due to genetics and some bad oral hygiene habits, some people do not have the best looking or healthiest smile. Oftentimes, people are told that they cannot achieve a perfect smile due to the condition of their teeth. However, with dental implants, almost anyone can have the smile of their dreams.

Dental Implants

Before discussing in too much detail what dental implants are, how they work, and what the process of receiving them is, you need to know if you are a candidate for implants.

While dental implants can work for most people, there are some groups who may not be able to receive them. The first step you need to take in considering if you are a candidate or not, is to take into the consideration the health of your gums and jaw bone. Your periodontist should be able to determine if they are healthy enough to receive an implant.

Groups of people who may not be a candidate for implants include:

  • Children or teenagers who’s jaw bone is still developing
  • People who have been, or are, heavy smokers
  • Those who are undergoing radiation treatment in their head or neck
  • Women who are pregnant
  • People who have systemic diseases like diabetes, hemophilia, and more
  • People who consume a lot of alcohol or substance

Want to determine if you are a candidate for dental implants?

The best way to determine if you are a candidate for dental implants is to visit your periodontist for an appointment. If you are in the Memphis area and are in need of a periodontist, the team at Periodontal Associates of Memphis are always welcoming new patients.

Stay tuned on Facebook and Twitter for our next blog article where we will discuss dental implants in a little more detail. This will include how they work and what the procedure is like.